Sunday 25 October 2015

Exploring Options For QVM Trader Involvement

One of the regular discussion topics at QVMAC meetings concerns the Governance Structures. Essentially these discussions are focussed on how to improve and better enable opportunities for traders to involved in both renewal and operational matters around the market. In other words how to give traders a voice, how to make use of their expertise, and how to feed those views into the system.

Much work has already been done with things like the 1 to 1 interviews, setting up of project groups, and sub-committees for special issues like car parking. These have proved to be productive and the QVMAC is keen to formalise a structure that will enable every trader to have input in to the many aspects of renewal and market operation that lay before us.

Traders may have specific issues that they wish to become involved in, and perhaps become a member of a sub-committee that considers and analyses those issues. They may wish to simply attend discussion groups and hear what is being said before deciding if they need to become more directly involved.

QVMAC Trader Representatives Stephen McLennan, Jenny Pyke, Ivano Guseli, Cathy Underhill, and Greg Smith will be sitting down with Projects Manager, Brendan Devine, over coming weeks to help set up those Governance Structures and prepare for the future of trader involvement in market activities. If you have any thoughts on how traders might be best engaged, now might be a good time to speak up.