Sunday 16 December 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 16/12/2018

One of our caricaturists was asked to redraw a work he had done some 12 months ago. It was a caricature of a couple and the original was returned with some obvious damage. It had been ripped apart, and yes the couple sheepishly admitted that had occurred during a lovers tiff. The good news is that the couple are now married and the redraw was completed with a friendly warning from the caricaturist that he didn’t expect to have the drawing returned ever again.

A trader has asked if Bangkok’s Terminal 21 shopping centre could become an inspiration for QVM. That centre is themed like an airport terminal complete with staff dressed as air hostesses, entrances designed like arrival gates, and shopping precincts dubbed New York, London, Istanbul, and so on. It is all designed to create a bit of theatre and entertainment. Perhaps QVM could have Aussie themed precincts. K Shed could become Kakadu or B Shed Barrier Reef…. just thinking out loud.

This has been suggested before, but a trader insists we need some sort of postal hub at the market where goods could be packed and despatched as part of a push for greater customer convenience.

On a similar theme, this trader says he is getting a positive response from customers by offering official Australia Post padded bags at his stall. If the customer wants the goods sent home, he asks them to address the padded bag, he seals it in front of them, and peels off the tracking number label to give the customer. He then posts the parcel the next day.

The QVM Creek only appears at rare intervals but during last Friday evenings deluge an 8ft. wide creek between J Shed and K Shed created a problem for traders particularly those unlucky enough to have their storage boxes in the way. It was either roll up your pants and wade in, or wait for the deluge to subside. Nature just takes control sometimes.

The poor level of business in the Upper Market over the weekend has some traders wondering if our calendars are mixed up – “Surely this can’t be 10 days before Christmas?” But another trader says “Check your books. Unlike food, the two weeks leading into Christmas are usually quiet in the Upper Market but we can expect a lift immediately after as people take holidays and tourists hit town.”

Did you get a hit from German tourists on Sunday? Apparently a cruise ship hit town and many passengers ventured to our market.

A Canadian tourist couldn’t believe that she had come all the way from Canada for Australia’s summer only to find an ice skating rink sponsored by Air Canada at QVM.

Storage Box squatters have been spoiling the view in String Bean Alley by indiscriminate placement of their boxes in public areas but action by QVM staff this weekend to keep things in order has earned praise from SBA traders.

A comment from one trader that the CoM endorsement of many of the People’s Panel recommendations was most welcome (see report here) although adequate customer and trader parking remains one to watch.