Sunday 7 April 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 7/4/2019

An innovative non-plastic food wrapper using banana leaves is being used in Thai supermarkets. Thanks to the trader who sent this in.

A Trader says his worst nightmare occurred this week when he arrived at the market to find one of his neighbours had taken the day off. This trader sells bulky goods and has three large storage boxes which are too big to go on his stall so he relies on friendly neighbours with spare space to help out. If one of his neighbour doesn’t turn up he has a real problem.

Protestors 1 – a Trader says he found Saturday’s protestors (Anti-animal cruelty) were a good source of sales and he is wondering if this could be an un-tapped market for QVM. He agreed that advertising QVM as a good place to protest might just backfire. Protestors can be un-predictable.

Protestors 2 – just to prove the previous point an illegal protest occurred in the lower market on Sunday and police had to be called. The protestors were described as “Vegans protesting about slaughter houses.”

Lana’s back – when you are the only fabric seller in our market, your absence is noted. It is great to have Lana back after a minor medical procedure.

On the question of providing delivery services for customers, a trader has pointed out that there are serve yourself parcel posting machines available now. Imagine one of those within the market.

Plastic free movement grows - a trader points out that the Labour Party’s decision to ban all single use plastic bags adds a significant force to the current promotion by QVM to be plastic bag free from May 14th.

The new Europa Night Market starts on Wednesday with a modified footprint. Car-parking and cool-room storage will be placed at the Peel St. end of sheds J,K,L,M.

A Trader notes that the Book Market up at the Peel St. end of A Shed is still buzzing along each Sunday after a number of weeks and may be just the right fit for what has been a difficult trading spot.

A Trader wants to know if it is OK to roll your eyes when a customer asks for a discount on an already discounted item. Would that be considered part of the theatre or borderline rude? We reckon its theatre if done with a smile.

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