Sunday 12 January 2014

Training Opportunities For Traders

QVM is investigating opportunities for training sessions for small groups of traders and is seeking input on what subjects would be of most value to traders. Training sessions would be short and timed to fit in with a traders busy schedule .

We have suggested that a session or series of sessions on how to get online would be high on the list. Establishing an online presence with a website is almost seen as an imperative for retailers in this day and age. We know that a number of traders have contemplated going on line and added it to their New Year Resolution list. A seminar that removes the technical jargon and clearly identifies the steps to achieving an online presence for you and your customers would seem to be a good idea.

Another idea was a training session on how to deal with international customers. We know there are courses that address the different customs and characteristics of different nationalities and how to handle communications with them. You only have to watch trader Danny Lewin greet his customers in different languages to know how valuable such insight can be. QVM is one of Melbourne’s key destinations for international tourists so it makes sense that traders should be informed on how to best relate to them.

There are plenty of other possibilities. How do you start importing goods from overseas? How do you set up a business plan for 2014 that enables you to track how your business is going?

What sort of training sessions do you think would be most valuable? Please click here to give your feedback.