Sunday 29 July 2018

New Organisational Structure At QVM

The City of Melbourne is proposing a new governance structure for QVM which will incorporate Lord Mayor, Sally Capp’s, vision of a trustee committee.

The Committee of Trustees is to provide strategic advice to Council and will be chaired by the Lord Mayor, with ten members comprising three market traders, two community representatives, two independent nominees and a further two councillors. Expressions of interest will be sought for those vacancies.

It is intended that the committee will meet 6 times per year. The current operational structure of the market will continue although the QVM Board will be reduced in number. Board members retiring at the next AGM will not be replaced. The Board will continue to perform its important legal obligations in overseeing the market, and will be strengthened with the CEO of the City of Melbourne taking a seat.

The new governance proposal is to be put to Council next Tuesday 31st. July.

Link to Media Release - QVM Governance