Sunday 8 July 2018

Giving Credit Where It Is Due

“Giving credit where it is due” is an old saying that is usually used in circumstances where you have some reservations. The relationship between management and traders at QVM often fits that description.

But there are times when credit is due and the crowds that filled the aisles in the Upper Market on Saturday caused a couple of traders to say “You can’t complain about this crowd”.

There are many factors that lead to good crowds and traders identified a couple yesterday. One talked about referrals from the huge Night Market crowd on Wednesday night who decided to come to the Day Market. The two markets are quite different in content but if 40 or so Specialty Traders at the Night Market can encourage customers to visit the 400 or so in the Day Market, that is a good thing.

Another talked about the relentless social media output from QVM including the little gem in the photo below from Facebook which will strike a cord with any chocoholic. If you are on Facebook it might be a good idea to include Queen Victoria Market in your likes and view the feeds that our customers are seeing.

There is of course another old saying - “ You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Converting good crowds into sales remains an uncertain and perplexing challenge for all traders.

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08/07/2018 14:38:11      CREDIT IS DUE         "what credit?????
they r doing their more no less."
Credit can be given independent of whether you are doing your job or not. It is a great form of feedback particularly when we are in troubled times like the retail industry right now. On the matter of helping create crowds at QVM in a depressed retail market some credit is appropriate.  We traders complain about enough. Let’s not complain about the positive things. Thanks for your input. I give you credit for taking the time to express a view. - Ed