Sunday 8 July 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 8/7/2018

Queen St. Toilets to close – the toilet block on Queen St. will be closed for 4 weeks commencing Wednesday 18th July. Temporary toilets will be placed nearby in the car park behind String Bean Alley.

Night Market – we received comments this week about the resilience of customers who are prepared to stand in long queues waiting for their food. Apparently last Wednesday’s big crowd really highlighted the trend. One trader commented that day market customers seem to wait 5 milliseconds for service.

Sporting Celebrity – a trader swears that Manchester City Football Manager, Pep Guardiola was in our market during the week. A quick google check revealed that the former Barcelona coach has indeed been in Melbourne while on holiday and visiting sister club, Melbourne City.

Bleary-eyed. One trader is complaining that the twin sporting must-sees, World Cup Soccer and Wimbledon Tennis, make it very hard to keep up the required sleep hours. Just another reason why customers seem to come later and later.

Traders Behaving Badly - we don't want to keep on mentioning this but another trader has complained that his neighbour was still clearing stock out of his storage boxes at 11:30 am. The boxes were not in the aisle but in a clearway. Either way it just creates the wrong impression for customers.