Sunday 19 November 2017

QVM’s New CEO Has An Interesting Background

QVM's new CEO, Stan Liacos, has a history of getting things done and the variety of projects he has headed up make for interesting reading. If you are looking for core retail experience then stop now because his background is not in retail although he does have a Masters in Marketing (Melbourne) and plenty of experience in conceptualising, financing, and leading major projects.

Those of you familiar with regional Victoria will be aware of the rise of The City of Bendigo as our premier City and much of that progress has been put down to Stan Liacos in his role as Director - City Futures. How he translates that energy and skill to QVM will be watched with great interest.

His last role was Regional Director with the Victorian Government from 2015 – 2017, but prior to that he spent 10 years with the City of Bendigo as Director, City Futures. That role gave him responsibility for  Major Projects; Economic Development; Tourism; Destination Marketing; and specific City locations.

Mr Liacos’ ability to secure funding for projects was highly regarded. He was instrumental in obtaining funding for the Bendigo Airport expansion ($15M), the Greater Bendigo Indoor Aquatic Leisure and Wellbeing Centre ($30M) and the Bendigo Stadium expansion ($18M). Some high profile acquisitions during his tenure included the Marilyn Munroe and Grace Kelly exhibitions which were considered coups for a regional city.

We like a quote from an interview in the Bendigo Weekly which said – ‘’The only way to get things done is to do things and not plan ponder and analyse to death.’’ - Stan Liacos.

More reading and viewing: