Saturday 3 January 2015

Hot Trader Issues In 2014

The New Year is upon us and part of moving forward into 2015 is reviewing what made news in 2014. From a traders point of view there were some key issues throughout the year on Victraders. Here are the articles that stirred the blood, drew the most responses and created the biggest buzz around our market.

1.       Back in March the Melbourne press grabbed some comments from a trader and criticised aspects of QVM’s offer, specifically to do with souvenirs and cheap trinkets. There were many articles at the time but the one that attracted most readership here was Drita McLennan’s impassioned defence of her souvenir business and her contribution to QVM -

2.       In May two of our QVMAC Trader Representatives made a presentation to the QVM Board which included resolutions from a previous traders meeting and the real hot potato at the time was the underground car park -

3.       In July and August a petition did the rounds of QVM asking for the State Government to withdraw QVM from the renewal process. This article questioned the motives of the petitioners and argued that renewal was essential to our future -

4.       Who can forget the City of Melbourne Council Meeting in August when traders made direct personal representation to councillors and gained a reprieve on the underground car park issue. -

5.       Not all the popular articles on Victraders were about hot issues. A series of articles about traders who were transforming the appearance of their businesses (with a little help from management) gained strong readership and this one got into the top 5. -

Thank you to all the contributors on Victraders, from writers of articles to those who simply make comments and express views. You all help to make an important contribution to trader’s communication and understanding. – Ed.