Sunday 16 August 2015

Market News Briefs – 16/8/2015

Top-end Markets – One of our traders commented on our article about the importance of artisan traders
09/08/2015 21:51:46 artisan traders "Unfortunately judging by the number of traders at this weeks craft offering and the seemingly declining numbers over the past few weeks they will need more Management support & promoting to help them thrive and grow in numbers and trading  reputation." We discussed this issue with a management representative and they confirmed that the offer on the Sunday in question was below expectations. Apparently 2 key operators pulled out at the last minute due to a broken down vehicle. 
Each week's offer will vary as different groups take up the opportunity to trade at QVM. The variety of activities will include craft, vintage clothing, and yarn based displays with groups like Men's Shed participating later in the year. We expect that management will be keeping a close eye on the quality of the displays.

STOP PRESS: - Thanks to the trader who sent us this photo this afternoon indicating that today's market at the top of C Shed seemed better attended.

Grand Final Friday Proposal -  John Magno's proposal for extended trading on Grand Final Friday -( ) has received a generally favorable response from traders.  Early indications from management are that we would need a longer lead time to organise such a comprehensive change to normal Friday operations so we may need to leave this one until 2016. 
We have yet to consider how Grand Final Friday will be treated otherwise although a number of traders seem to think this should just be a normal Friday trading day.

F Shed/E Shed Food Court - We note that discussions on this matter are still underway, particularly to sort out the detail for displaced traders and we hope to have more news next week.