Sunday 30 August 2015

Upcoming Trader/Management Meetings

Re-branding - Two final information sessions on market re-branding are coming up this week. They will be held at the Engagement Hub, 452 Queen St., on Tuesday 1st September and Thursday 3rd September from 3:00pm although we understand that arriving by 3:30 will ensure you don't miss out. The sessions will give traders an insight into our new logo and the marketing promotion that surrounds its launch. 
It would be a good idea for all traders to become familiar with the re-branding before the story hits the press so that they can adequately inform customers.

Trading Ideas - These new information sessions have been introduced as a way for traders to engage with each other and management in an informal discussion outside normal market hours. 
It is intended that the sessions will become a regular opportunity to share ideas and information about a range of themes. The first session is to be held at the Engagement Hub at 452 Queen St., on Monday 7th September between 4:00pm and 6:00pm to discuss "The Markets of Barcelona". Light refreshments will be served after the session.
Traders have been asked to book a place by emailing , phoning 9320 5822, or calling in to the F1 shop.