Sunday 29 July 2018

A Win For Transparency

The announcement of the formation of a Committee of Trustees (including three market traders) to provide strategic advice to Council is expected to be welcomed by market traders.

Few things irritate traders more than being involved in decision making at grass roots level and then watching issues disappear into the void of management/Board/ City of Melbourne decision making to appear at the other end without adequate explanation. Indeed, a criticism of the renewal process is that the proposed benefits have not been properly sold to the trader group.

It is expected that Sally Capp’s Committee of Trustees will provide traders with an opportunity for evaluation and strategic advice at an appropriate stage in the decision making process. The official description for the committee is “The highest source of advice to Council on Renewal and Operations.”

QVM Renewal is a critically important process for the market. Transparency, understanding and meaningful involvement will be key elements to achieving a great outcome for Traders, the City, and our customers.

By Greg Smith