Sunday 30 November 2014

Christmas Trading Arrangements Concerns

Traders have received a letter from QVM announcing the arrangements around Christmas/New Year trading and they are proposing some variations that traders need to be aware of.

A number of traders have raised concerns about the additional trading days in lieu of Christmas Day and Boxing Day being charged in advance with restrictions on cancellation arrangements. In addition the normal process of identifying the new day as a substitute for a normal trading day has not been applied.

Traders are urged to read the letter carefully and assess the impact on their intentions for Christmas/New Year trading.

02/12/2014 21:05:43 Christmas/New Year trading "I am a SL Trader, after reading through the letter from QVM sent to me regarding to the Christmas/New Year trading day as well as talk to the office. My understanding is that I will be additionally charged for the two days ( Mon, Wed) if I would like to trade on those days. Being an SL trader mean I already paid for those day in my monthly rental, why on earth I have to pay more for something I have already paid for anyway."