Sunday 30 July 2017

Some Weather Protection Please

QVM Renewal includes provision for weather protection in our open-air market but we thought we might remind people of why that provision is important. These photos were taken on a generally sunny but particularly windy Saturday trading day with gusts to more than 100kmh. Customers were hard to find at least in open areas.

Joe was one of the few traders
to brave Queen St. and he made
good use of a couple of terrorist
concrete blocks to keep his marquee
from blowing away.
This is looking east towards the Donut Van in E Shed.
Romeo from RomeosCafe assured us that 3 or 4
traders actually set up here early morning but obeyed
natures warnings and packed up when heavy fittings
started to blow away.

There are 4 staff at this Queen St. food stall and two are employed
to hold down their marquee. They succumbed to the strong winds and
packed up before lunchtime.
By contrast covered areas of the market were well populated leading at least one trader to say that now he understood what a smaller market could look like. The weather had generally centralised the top end and pushed crowds into protected sheds like J,K,L.

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