Sunday 22 April 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 22/4/2018

A trader who shifts stock between two stalls said he had a real problem getting through the crowds with his trolley around mid-day on Friday. He wished he could have the same problem every trading day.

Reaction to last week’s quote – Those of you receive the weekly Victraders email will have read the quote of the week which came from trader Marshall Waters at a City of Melbourne committee meeting earlier in the month - "The heritage of the Vic Market is about the people, not the buildings." One trader asked the question during the week “So, the Parthenon and Coliseum were unworthy of saving?”

A trader asked – “Why is it that during the school holidays it is the Fathers who have no idea how to control their children in a retail environment like QVM. I’m sick of asking young kids not to handle my stock.”

String Bean Alley Vacancy – management have emailed traders seeking applications for the SBA container available at the end of April. Apparently there have been several applications already and more who intend to apply. Reasonable rent and the opportunity to trade at the night market are enticing ingredients.

Racks and Tables for Sale – Photographer, Andrew Bertuleit, has moved into a permanent shop in F Shed and has racking and fold-up tables for sale. Contact Andrew at F3 or call him on 0429 133 133.