Sunday 14 June 2015

QVM Hits The Press This Week

National Heritage Listing- The Federal Government has put its weight behind the push to have QVM put on the National Heritage List as a prelude to eventual UNESCO worldwide listing according to articles in the major newspapers
This process is likely to take a little time but, as a couple of traders have already pointed out, the process of locking in QVM for future generations is to be commended.

Traders Fear Being Squeezed Out After Re-development – this was the headline in an Age article on Thursday that referred to two trader issues. Firstly the example of Candlebark Wineries (a current day trader and previous night trader) who have been excluded from the current night market because of an exclusivity deal with a larger wine company. Exclusivity is a common ingredient in modern commerce but is it appropriate for a retail market that is dominated by small business? We note that QVMAC Representatives initiated discussions with management earlier in the week on this issue.
The second issue raised concerned Koori Connections who were moved to make way for a planned electricity sub-station on Victoria St. and believe they have suffered from the move.

Toy Gun Fearsthis article from theHerald Sun referred to the sale of toy guns that look like the real thing and specific reference was made to guns sold at QVM. This is a debate that generates considerable emotion although we note from the article that even experts can’t agree with one psychologist saying that “toy guns can promote violence” while another claimed there was no harm in letting children play with toy guns.

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15/06/2015 08:53:08 the Age article "The Age article on the Night Market this week was interesting. On one hand our CEO said that big corporate companies would not be allowed an in  but then said traders didn't understand the Night Market ,the need for sponsorship to cover running costs or to keep it a free event. Large companies have no place in a supposed Market of Markets run by smaller family or a single operated trader businesses and to suggest Management may have to look at an entry charge is ridiculous. Traders pay their rent in advance so all costs should be known upfront.Yes there may be somethings traders do not understand  and Managements view on this is one of them." Miss Understood - Thanks for your input Miss Understood - Ed (Are you related to Mr. Fied?)