Sunday 16 September 2018

Heard Under The Sheds - 16/9/2018

Mural idea could go further. The plan to feature 3 market traders in an interactive mural sounds great (see latest Trader Bulletin) One trader suggested that he had a few neighbours he’d like to see in bronze. We still haven’t worked out what he meant.

A story doing the rounds says the reason the QVM sign on the market roof had a repaint was to make it more visible from Queen St. office buildings. We like the airline passenger reason better.

A trader has found a way to put prices and a “Buy” button on all his Facebook and Instagram posts. His theory is to make it as easy as possible for buyers. Makes a lot of sense and probably identifies the future of social media advertising. We'll try and find out how he went.

Memorable PA Announcements - After Collingwood’s AFL win last night a trader recalled the devilish act of one of our Market Officers back in 1990 after a Collingwood Grand Final win. This Market Officer commandeered the PA system and played the Collingwood theme song at full volume early on a Sunday morning much to the delight of a few Collingwood supporters and with howls of protest from the rest of the market.

A few of our tourist customers learned a golden rule about Melbourne over the last few days. Never try to understand or predict our weather. Just bring your thongs and snow boots.

A trader welcomes the new Trader Connect Lounge on Victoria St. which opens on Tuesday but wonders how traders will be able to attend during trading hours. He assumes only those businesses operated by partnerships or employing workers will be able to drop in.

And the REAL reasons for painting our roof sign - 
   - help restore civic pride in our QVM asset.
   - the sign is visible from Queen and Peel Streets and the car park.
   - help attract publicity (which worked).
Now that makes more sense than all our other opinions.

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