Sunday 13 August 2017

Heard Under The Sheds – 13/8/2017

More Management Departures – a rumour that another of our key marketing staff has resigned.

Chaos In F1 – our article this week has drawn comments from a number of traders about the difficulty of getting assistance. But perhaps one of the best suggestions came from one of our Category Managers – “When in difficulty call your Category Manager”. Their mobile numbers are located in the right hand margin of this page.

Alternative Renewal Option – the proposal from Friends of the Market, Phil Cleary, and others will be rightly discussed over coming days but a common question from traders is “where do customers park if the current car park is to be built on?

Dark Humour - a funny but depressing question from one of our long term traders who asked to see the graphics for the new pavilion and then asked – “Where do the coffins go?”

Early Leaver - one of our new casuals surprised her neighbours by packing at 2:00 pm on Friday.

Traders Departing is not the only shrinkage under the sheds with one trader reporting that one of his neighbours had halved the size of his stall while another had given up Thursday trading entirely. It is called “adjusting to business realities.”

Those Looking For Alternative Income should note that Guru Pete’s racing tip this weekend paid $9.50 for a place. Only joking - the horse did pay $9.50 but the last thing we want to suggest is that gambling is an income option.